Who pushed Caleb Miligan in Emmerdale? 11 suspects after shock attack

EMMERDALE delivered a shock this week when Caleb Miligan got his comeuppance.

The scheming son of Frank Tate was pushed over a cliff after making enemies of his own family and being exposed as a villain.

There are four official suspects but we reckon there could be more with a motive in the most dangerous village since Midsomer. 

Cain Dingle (official)

Who pushed Caleb Miligan in Emmerdale? 11 suspects after shock attack
Did Cain try to kill his brother?

If anyone is going to have pushed Caleb, then it’s hot-headed murderous (half) brother Cain.

Not only did he threaten to kill Caleb, but he also played a part in exposing him by teaming up with Kim Tate.

And after what Caleb did to his family, who could blame him for giving Caleb a trip over a ravine’s edge?

Will Taylor (official)

Who pushed Caleb Miligan in Emmerdale? 11 suspects after shock attack
Will wants to help Kim but he’s not really in her league

Ex-drug dealer, former gangster, occasional body-hider and husband to Kim Tate – it would be more of a surprise if Will didn’t try to kill Caleb at this point.

And he just so happened to have a handy holiday booked to ensure he’s out of the country when Caleb comes to.

How convenient.

Mackenzie Boyd (official)

Who pushed Caleb Miligan in Emmerdale? 11 suspects after shock attack
Is Mackenzie guilty? The police think so

Mackenzie’s entire motive appears to be that Caleb insulted him and slept with Charity.

By that marker Mackenzie should’ve tried to kill literally everyone else in the wider Yorkshire area before now.

He hasn’t, but that doesn’t stop the police from arresting him next week.

Leyla Harding (official)

Who pushed Caleb Miligan in Emmerdale? 11 suspects after shock attack

A woman scorned can do many things, but shoving someone over a cliff is a bit overkill.

While wedding planner and former cocaine addict Leyla is capable of violence, it seems unlikely she’d be able to pull off a murder attempt in her heels.

Nicky Miligan

Who pushed Caleb Miligan in Emmerdale? 11 suspects after shock attack
Would Nicky try to kill his own dad?

He’s not an official suspect but he’s got one of the best motives.

His dad not only threatened, blackmailed, physically assaulted and terrorised him into seducing Gabby Thomas, he also kickstarted the entire situation that’s left Nicky alone and helpless.

But could he try to kill his own dad? Hopefully not before he reveals why he has a completely different accent.

Kim Tate

Who pushed Caleb Miligan in Emmerdale? 11 suspects after shock attack
Kim Tate is absolutely capable of attempted murder – and it wouldn’t be her first time

The scheming killer prefers not to get her own hands dirty when she’s murdering people, so the chances of her running top speed and bashing Caleb over a cliff seem slim to none.

But that said she’s been known to take matters into her own hands before.

Caleb’s dad Frank died when she cut the phone wires and stopped him from calling for help, so she could have done it this time.

Moira Dingle

Who pushed Caleb Miligan in Emmerdale? 11 suspects after shock attack
Moira definitely has it in her to push someone off a cliff

If anyone is going to take revenge while hypocritically telling her husband not to – it’s Moira.

The woman let her son take the fall for a murder she committed. 

And let’s not forget that she did hurl love rival – and serial killer – Emma Barton off a large viaduct – so it’s her modus operandi.

David Metcalfe

Who pushed Caleb Miligan in Emmerdale? 11 suspects after shock attack
Is David also a failed killer?

Other than being a failed businessman, failed father, failed boyfriend and all-round village failure, David still insists on hanging around.

And with him having nothing else to do but hang around with sort of ex Leyla Harding, he could get jealous and try to defend her honour by attacking Caleb.

It would give him something to do at least.

Jacob Gallagher

Who pushed Caleb Miligan in Emmerdale? 11 suspects after shock attack
Jacob is very protective of his mum Leyla

Medical student Jacob might not be the obvious choice of cliff-pusher but stranger things have happened.

He did take a knife to threaten a drug dealer last year in the woods – though he ended up on the sharp end himself.

Jacob’s very protective of his mummy – though goodness knows why considering she’s barely bothered about him.

Gabby Thomas

Who pushed Caleb Miligan in Emmerdale? 11 suspects after shock attack
Gabby wants revenge on Nicky and Caleb

The millionaire mother wants revenge on Caleb and his son Nicky for humiliating her.

Their scheme left her destroyed when Nicky confessed he couldn’t marry her because he’s gay, and she has demanded Kim destroy them both.

But with Kim being slow off the mark, did Gabby take matters into her own hands?

Kyle Winchester

Who pushed Caleb Miligan in Emmerdale? 11 suspects after shock attack
Has Kyle got a taste for blood?

He’s already killed Al Chapman after all.

And with Caleb betraying his family, could Kyle’s taste for blood have returned?

Is he Emmerdale village’s newest serial killer?

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