You Are What You Eat’s jaw-dropping weight loss transformations as iconic show returns

YOU Are What You Eat is back to help improve some of the nation’s worst eating habits – and there are some jaw-dropping transformations coming up on the new series. 

After a 15-year hiatus, the dieting programme will be revived with a completely different look, as Trisha Goddard and Dr Amir Khan take to the stage as the new presenters.

You Are What You Eat returns to Channel 5 after a 15-year hiatus

In each episode, Trisha and Dr Amir will help two people in desperate need of a life-changing intervention

In every episode, Trisha and Dr Amir will help two people in desperate need of a life-changing, or even life-saving intervention. 

The original show saw Gillian McKeith make viewers squirm by enthusiastically taking on poor diets and inspecting their poo – but she has since been shunned by bosses.

In the reboot, viewers will spot similar elements of the show, including the table showing all the good a person eats in one week and the infamous stool sample.

Here, The Celeb Report takes a look at some of the best transformations from the upcoming series ahead of its return on Wednesday night.

Adam, 38, Leeds

Adam lost a total of 1st 1lb and 17cm from his waist

Sport’s coach Adam should be the fittest of his friends, however, a bad breakup saw him step away from the field and towards the fridge. 

With the weighing scales tipping higher while his self-confidence slips lower, the 38-year-old urgently needed guidance to help to kick him into touch and get him back scoring again. 

Adam first weighed in at 16st 5lb and, by the end of the show, he lost a total of 1st 1lb and 17cm from his waist. 

He also had increased beneficial gut microbes, his blood pressure went from high to normal and his cholesterol was reduced.

Jackie, 54, Barry

Jackie lost a total of 1st 11lb and 15cm for her waist

Fast food addict Jackie was on a fast track to diabetes. 

In an upcoming episode, the team find her pre-diabetic and panicking for a solution to her sugar and salt struggles.

The nutritionists had to completely strip back Jackie’s diet to be able to deliver a life transformation – and they did just that.

Her blood sugar results went from the “at risk of developing prediabetes” range to normal and she also dropped nearly 6 per cent of her body fat from 47 per cent. 

Jackie weighed in 13st 9lb at the start and, in total, lost 1st 11lb – losing a whopping 15cm from her waist in the process.

Leonie, 29, from Rotherham

Leonie lost a total of 1st 7lb and an amazing 33cm for her waist

Leonie may be a grown-up, but her diet is nothing but kid’s cuisine. 

Getting beige off her plate and colour on the menu won’t be child’s play for the You Are What You Eat team who have a feeling that changing her life for the better might be harder than getting a toddler to eat their greens. 

But they were wrong as Leonie, who weighed in at 14st 9lb at the start, lost a cool 1st 7lb and an amazing 33cm from her waist.

Helen, 49, from Northampton

Helen lost a staggering 2st 1lb as well as 24cm for her waist

Helen serves up three nutritious meals every day – but she wasn’t eating them.

While she slaves over a hot stove making balanced food for her family, her disordered eating sees her gorging on grub that she wouldn’t dream of feeding her children. 

The You Are What You Eat team needed to bring her secret eating out of the kitchen cupboard and into the spotlight to find the ultimate fix.

Helen weighed in at 19st 12lb at the start and, by the end of the programme, lost a staggering 2st 1lb, as well as 24cm from her waist. 

She also left the pre-diabetic range and lost 13 per cent of her body fat.

John, 32, from London

Trisha and Dr Amir helped John reel in his high fat diet after he lost 2st 2lb on the show

John’s high carb, high fat diet left him low in self-esteem – until he took the plunge to find help.

With fixing his physical and mental health on the menu for the You Are What You Eat team, they needed to serve up their biggest plan yet.

John first weighed in at 17st 2lb and lost a whopping 2st 2lb by the end of the show.