PRINCE Harry is not the sharpest tool in the shed.
But when pitted against the razor-sharp interrogation skills of a King’s Counsel like Andrew Green, his obvious shortcomings are even more evident.

Prince Harry was way out of his comfort zone in the High Court yesterday
So far, he has only ever faced softly-softly TV interviews arranged by his PRs to flog his ghost-written whinge-fest book Spare or a new documentary series about, you guessed it, himself.
In those, he made sure he controlled the narrative.
But in the High Court yesterday he was way out of his comfort zone.
His testimony was almost like a live version of Spare and its boastful claims.
And now he is an expert on politics too, suggesting the press doesn’t hold the “rock bottom” government to account.
Boris Johnson and Matt Hancock can testify otherwise, after their Covid rule-breaking was laid bare.
“H” was accused of being “in the realms of total speculation” by Mr Green after he admitted he “isn’t sure” his phone was hacked.
His claims that he feared being ousted by the royal family over rumours about James Hewitt being his dad also seem absurd.
Perhaps he should have listened to his mum, Diana, who said she didn’t meet Hewitt until after Harry was born.