Prince George’s favourite meal revealed & it’s pretty posh for an eight-year-old

GROWING up, we would constantly be nagging our parents for fish and chips – or better yet, a McDonald’s Happy Meal – every Friday night.

But as a member of the Royal Family and future King, Prince George has much more sophisticated taste – and his favourite meal certainly reflects that.

Celebrity chef Aldo Zilli claims Prince George is a big fan of Italian food

The chef has met Prince William on several occasions

Speaking to Femail, Aldo Zilli claimed that the future heir to the throne is a big fan of Italian food.

Hearing this, you’d naturally assume the eight-year-old royal loves a pizza above all else. Right?

However, Aldo insists that Prince William and Kate Middleton‘s eldest son loves nothing more than a spaghetti carbonara – which are notoriously tricky to make.

The chef has met the Duke of Cambridge on several times over the years which is how he learned the kids’ go-to treats.


Aldo said: “[William is] amazing. I’m waiting for the call because apparently, his little boy’s favourite is spaghetti carbonara, so I’m waiting for the call to go and cook it for him.”

He joked: “If George has my carbonara, he will never have another one!”

“So I need to go and make it, let’s get the ball rolling. Send me to the palace to cook!”

What’s more, it’ll hardly come as a surprise that the £17k-a-year prep school George attends with little sister Princess Charlotte has a lavish lunch menu.

Unlike the fish fingers and potato smilies we were served at primary school, the Cambridge kids are given Mediterranean couscous and baked smoked mackerel served on a bed of puy lentils.

Meanwhile, scrumptious-sounding lamb ragout with garlic and fresh herbs paired with organic grated cheese and batons of carrots and cucumber is also a regular on the menu at St Thomas’s of Battersea.

Kate Middleton previously revealed Princess Charlotte loves olives as a snack

Earlier this year, we revealed how Kate Middleton had shared Charlotte’s favourite snack while visiting Lavender Primary School in Enfield – and it’s equally as posh.

Royal correspondent Rebecca English tweeted at the time: “The Duchess of Cambridge revealed today that her daughter, Princess Charlotte, loves olives.

“And she encourages both her and Prince George to cook with her.

“They made cheesy pasta together the other day!”

In more Royal Family news, Meghan Markle scoffed chicken and snogged bloke in newly-unearthed TV film released just months before she met Prince Harry.

And The Queen has banned the royal family from playing Monopoly as it ‘gets too vicious’.

Plus Princess Charlotte & Princes George & Louis are a fan of GONKS & play hide & seek with them, says nan Carole Middleton.