Prince Harry volunteered to have EMDR trauma therapy filmed for Oprah series as he unleashed ‘truth bombs’ on Royals

PRINCE Harry volunteered to have a trauma therapy session filmed for the Oprah Winfrey docuseries after unleashing “truth bombs” about the Royal Family.

During an episode of The Me You Can’t See, a five-part series about mental health, the Duke was shown undergoing EMDR.

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Prince Harry volunteered to have the trauma therapy session filmed for the series, the director said

Speaking on the Apple TV show Prince Harry told Oprah Winfrey that EMDR had always been something he had wanted to try.

He also told Oprah how his wife Meghan Markle had urged him to seek help four years ago following a huge row after he “acted like a 12-year-old”.

EMDR is short for Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing and is said to help people come to terms with traumatic experiences.

With his therapist Sanja Oakley, Prince Harry explained in the series: “EMDR is always something that I wanted to try and that was one of the varieties of different forms of healing or curing that I was willing to experiment with.

“I never would have been open to that had I not put in the work and the therapy that I’ve done over the years”.

Speaking to Town and Country magazine, the director of the episode, said that the idea for the therapy section came from the Prince.

“He volunteered, he was game for trying something,” Dawn Porter said.

“And we thought well, we have the opportunity to film this [therapy] and maybe this is something that will work for some people, maybe it won’t, but the idea is that you don’t tick a box and you’re done, mental wellness is an ongoing pursuit.

“You have to continue to try new things and to push yourself and his volunteering to try something was a great way to emphasise and underscore that point.”

Sanja Oakley, Prince Harry’s therapist, worked with the Duke on episode to show him undergoing EMDR

Harry said he wished his mother Princess Diana could meet his son Archie
Prince Harry spoke about the loss of his mum Princess Diana

The Prince described using EMDR to deal with the discomfort he has of travelling to London which he said reminds him of the loss of his mum, Princess Diana.

Harry spoke in the documentary about suffering through a “nightmare time” in his life from when he was 28 until 32.

“I’m freaking out every single time I jump in the car or see a camera. I would just start sweating,” he said.

During the docuseries, Prince Harry accused his family of showing “total neglect” to his mental health woes and claimed that Prince Charles made him “suffer”.

 “My father used to say to me when I was younger, he used to say to both William and I, ‘Well, it was like that for me so it’s going to be like that for you’,” he told Oprah.

“That doesn’t make sense. Just because you suffered, that doesn’t mean your kids have to suffer. Actually quite the opposite.

“If you suffered, do everything you can to make sure that whatever negative experiences you had, you can make it right for your kids.”

Meanwhile, the Queen is reportedly “deeply upset” by Prince Harry’s “very personal” criticisms of the Royal Family.

The Royal Family has been rocked by Prince Harry unleashing a string of “truth bombs” that started with the interview he and his wife gave to Oprah in March.

An unnamed source told the Mail on Sunday: “Harry’s grandmother has taken this very personally and is deeply upset by what Harry has said, in particular, his comments about Charles’s parenting and suggesting his father knows no better because of how he was brought up.

“It has been a very upsetting time.”

But despite the attacks, Charles is said to want a reconciliation.

A friend told the paper: “I don’t think the Prince will cut his son off despite what Harry has said.

“Charles will want to engage, but it’s fair to say what Harry has said in both interviews with Oprah has been seen as very callous within the family. If Harry was to attack the Queen in a more personal way, Charles would close ranks with the Queen without a doubt and Harry would be out in the cold.”

The friend added: “Charles is such a gentleman and a dedicated father first and foremost. He’ll be feeling wretched. He wants to seek reconciliation. He is not vindictive at all.”

It comes during a turbulent time for the Royal Family with Prince Charles reportedly furious at the “lurid lies” from Panorama’s interview with Princess Diana that took 27 years to be finally publicly corrected.

The BBC has written to the Prince of Wales to apologise for Martin Bashir’s “deceitful” tactics in securing the interview and agreed to never show it again.

Bashir’s underhand tactics included highly damaging and untrue claims that Charles was “in love” with William and Harry’s nanny Tiggy Legge-Bourke and that his valet was pushing to sell stories to newspapers.

A friend of the Prince of Wales said: “The narrative that came from that interview about Charles needs to be changed.

“He is privately furious that it has taken 27 years. The interview and allegations caused long-term damage to the future king and his household.”

In a letter sent by the BBC’s current Director-General Tim Davie to Prince Charles, the Corporation apologised for Bashir’s “lurid and untrue claims” about the prince, members of his staff and other members of the Royal Family.

The letter said the BBC accepts that Bashir made claims “intending to play on the princess’s fears, in order to arouse her interest in him, and without concern for the impact on those he maligned”.

Charles is not going to react publicly, a friend said.

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The Duke of Sussex claimed his dad Charles left him to ‘suffer’ in his latest public bombshell