Royal Family will NOT wear military uniforms and instead wear morning coat with medals at Duke of Edinburgh’s funeral

THE Royal Family will NOT wear military uniforms at the Duke of Edinburgh’s funeral, Buckingham Palace has confirmed.

Members will instead wear morning coat with medals or day dress after fears Prince Harry would be the only male senior royal dressed differently.

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Neither William nor Harry will wear military uniform to their grandfather’s funeral

The Duke of Sussex had faced the humiliating prospect of being the only senior man in the royal family wearing civvies after losing his honorary ranks.

There was also said to be “serious Navy displeasure” at being dragged into a row over Prince Andrew possibly wearing an admiral’s uniform.

But a Buckingham Palace spokesperson confirmed this afternoon: “Family will be wearing Morning Coat with medals or Day Dress.

“Members of the Royal Family will not be in military uniform.”

Under Covid rules, members of the congregation will also wear face masks for the service on Saturday.

Social distancing will also be in place for the event at St George’s Chapel in Windsor.

The Queen is believed to have made the decision to save Prince Harry from being dressed differently to senior royals

Insiders claim the Queen personally stepped in to suggest all senior male royals wear suits and ties
Insiders claim the Queen personally stepped in to suggest all senior male royals wear suits and ties

It comes after Harry, 36, was stripped of his three military titles when he quit royal duty with wife Meghan.

Royal protocol now means the Duke — who did two tours of Afghanistan with the Blues and Royals — can only wear a suit with medals at royal functions.

A military source told The Celeb Report the new dress code is “the most eloquent solution to the problem”.

Meanwhile Royal author Phil Dampier said the Queen’s decision to scrap military uniform was her way of extending ‘an olive branch’ to Harry.


He told The Celeb Report Online: This is all part of an attempt by the Queen to bring the family together and send out an olive branch.

“Because she didn’t want Harry to be treated any differently from anyone else because she’s anxious for him to heal the rift with his family, with his brother, with his father and to some extent with her really.

“So she’s bending over backwards to not put him under any pressure and not embarrass him.”

The author of Royally Suited: Harry and Meghan in their own words, added that the Queen was “ever the pragmatist” who has “sought a practical solution to a very delicate situation.

He said: “It was clearly going to be embarrassing for Harry to be the only male royal not wearing a military uniform, especially ironic as he’s the only one in recent history who has seen active service.

“The best solution was for no-one to wear uniforms so that there wouldn’t have been any embarrassment. I think harry would have felt he was being shown up as being inferior and cut out of the Royal family if he only wore a normal suit and medals.”

It also comes after ‘Serious Navy displeasure’ was expressed as Prince Andrew could wear an admiral’s uniform

It follows reports that Prince Andrew told the Queen he wished to dress in Admiral uniform for Prince Philip’s funeral – despite deferring the title after the Jeffrey Epstein sex scandal.

Prince Andrew, 61, was made an honorary Vice-Admiral in the Royal Navy in 2015.

He was due to be promoted to Admiral in 2020 to mark his 60th birthday but chose to defer it until he resumes his official duties.

But a source close to The Duke said yesterday: “The Duke of York is very keenly aware of Saturday’s funeral being a moment for the Duke of Edinburgh, HM and the nation. He has neither wish nor intention to distract from that.

“Speculation on what he may or may not wear is just that, speculation, and no matters of this nature have yet been decided upon.

“The Duke of York will do what is appropriate to the circumstances – he remains stepped back from royal duties.”

Harry, was stripped of his three military titles when he quit royal duty

The Duke of Sussex, who did two tours of Afghanistan, can now only wear a suit with medals at royal functions