The subtle parenting moves Prince William and Kate Middleton use to keep George & Charlotte ‘secure’

YESTERDAY was an undeniably emotional occasion for the Royal Family as they celebrated Prince Philip’s life with a touching Thanksgiving service at Westminster Abbey.

All eyes were on the Cambridge family as they arrived for the ceremony – especially as it marked Prince George and Princess Charlotte‘s first official outings outside of royal tours.

Prince William and Kate Middleton brought their two eldest children to Prince Philip’s memorial service

Prince William put his hands on George’s shoulders as the eight-year-old momentarily paused at the entrance of the Abbey

According to body language expert Inbaal Honigman, Prince William and Kate Middleton used subtle moves to make sure their two eldest children felt “secure” during the televised event.

As they walked into the Abbey, the expert told Tyla it was obvious just how nervous George was feeling.

Noticing how the eight-year-old paused for a split-second at the entrance, she explained: “Immediately at that moment, his dad puts two hands on his shoulders and guides him.

“They walk up hand in hand and throughout the entire shaking of hands, William demonstrates to his child what to do.”

Kate was equally as protective of six-year-old Charlotte during the event.

The expert added: “[The Duchess’] hand is very, very rarely off Charlotte’s shoulder or back.”

As such, the expert said the couple’s choice to stay in physical contact with George and Charlotte as they walked in and out of the Abbey was a “deliberate” decision they’d made.

She added: “We all remember the vision of William and Harry [at Princess Diana’s funeral] walking behind the coffin, nobody holding their hand, each one totally alone.

“So this handling, this keeping the children secure, I believe, was a very deliberate parenting decision that Kate and William had taken beforehand.”

What’s more, William and Kate are also reported to have taken a note out of Princess Diana‘s parenting book too.

Explaining how Diana wanted her children to be exposed to life outside the Palace, royal expert Andrew Morton previously told MyLondon: “She took the young royals with her on her private charity visits from a young age.

“One of the reasons was she didn’t want the boys to grow up thinking the whole world was 4×4 Range Rovers, shotguns and nannies.”

What’s more, a source claimed Kate and William are now taking a similar approach with their kids.

They said: “[William and Kate] have developed this brilliant knack of letting as much as they can seem spontaneous and that’s how the children see it.

“Table manners, thank you letters, little courtesies are being drilled into the children so they become automatic.”

In the book Diana: Her True Story – In Her Own Words, the late Princess told Andrew Morton about her family’s tradition of always writing “thank-you letters” almost immediately after receiving a present.

Reflecting on her childhood festivities, Diana said: “My father used to sit us down every Christmas and birthday and we had to write out thank-you letters within 24 hours.”

The couple held hands with their children on the way into the service and out

Prince George was noticeably ‘nervous’, the expert claims

Kate Middleton didn’t let go of her daughter’s hand on the way in and out of the Abbey