Trump says he HOPES Meghan Markle will run for president in 2024 as he’s ‘not a fan’ & backs Queen after Oprah interview

DONALD Trump says he HOPES Meghan Markle will run for president in 2024.

The former US President repeated, however, that he still isn’t a fan of the Duchess of Sussex after she slammed the Royal Family during a bombshell interview with Oprah Winfrey.

Donald Trump wants Meghan Markle to run for president in 2024

Meghan is rumoured to have high-powered plans to launch a political career – aiming to take over the White House.

Quizzed about her reported chats with Democrat power-brokers, Trump told Fox News: “Well I hope that happens because if that happened I think I’d have an even stronger feeling toward running.”

But he added: “I’m not a fan of hers.

“I think that what she talks about the Royal family and the Queen, and I happen to think, I know the Queen as you know, I met with the Queen and I think the Queen is a tremendous person and I am not a fan of Meghan.”

He also hinted at a return to the presidential race.

Trump said: “Based on every poll, they want me to run again.

“But we’re going to take a look and we’ll see.”

More to follow…

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