Coronation Street rocked as illegal child-minding business leaves lives on the line

AN illegal child-minding business could put lives at risk on Coronation Street.

In upcoming episodes, Michael calls at No.5 and asks Gemma to mind Glory for the day.

Coronation Street rocked as illegal child-minding business leaves lives on the line
Gemma decides to set up an illegal child-minding business on Coronation Street

Coronation Street rocked as illegal child-minding business leaves lives on the line
Gemma gets the idea after Michael gives her £60 to mind Gloria as she is desperate to save for her wedding to Chesney

He gives her £60 for doing it, and as Gemma shoves the cash in her wedding fund tin, she can’t believe her luck.

She decides she is going to offer BSL-friendly childminding services.

But with no child-minding qualifications or a licence, let alone four children of her own and a stepson to care for, it doesn’t bode well for Gemma or anyone else.

Last month, Gemma and Chesney started to talk about a potential wedding, and where they would find the money to fund one.

Chesney initially said that even if they had the money, he wouldn’t want to blow it on a wedding.

But after speaking to boss Dev, he had a change of heart, and came home with an empty chilli sauce tub and told Gemma it could be their piggy bank to save for their big day.

Meanwhile, Gemma is keen to get British Sign Language used more after a run in with Joseph’s teacher at school.

Joseph had learned BSL to help his half-brother Aled, who was born deaf.

But after he was told off by his teacher Mrs York, Gemma and her mum Bernie staged a protest to demand the school teaches pupils BSL.

However, it didn’t go to plan when Mrs York locked Gemma, Bernie and Michael in the school and told them they can stay there all night.

Coronation Street airs on ITV1.

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