ABI Webster will continue to do all that she can to get custody of her son Alfie following Imran Habeeb’s death.
But odds may be against her next week in Coronation Street when she makes a terrible mistake in front of a judge.

After losing her son Seb in one of the most tragic ways and being torn away from twins Charlie and Lexi, Abi Webster (portrayed by Sally Carman) is determined to make the most of her last chance at motherhood.
This has prompted her to drastically clean up her act in a bid to prove she can take care of her son Alfie.
As ITV viewers know, however, Imran Habeeb managed to sabotage her best efforts by bribing private investigator Ben to lie in court.
But after the solicitor’s death and amid a shocking police investigation, Abi learns that she has to reapply for custody of Alfie in upcoming episodes of the long-running soap.
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Next week, she gets a call from a social worker which leaves her despondent – Abi tells her husband Kevin (Michael Le Vell) that the best she can hope for is custody of her baby under the supervision of a foster carer.
Deflated, Abi appears to lose faith in the system, making her opinion clear at the wrong place and at the wrong time.
The following day, while in the court waiting room and ahead another hearing, Abi badmouths the judicial system to a woman nearby.
The custody hearing then begins and the Judge takes her seat.
Abi is horrified upon realising her mistake when the Judge just happens to be the woman who was a witness to her outburst in the waiting room.
Believing she has ruined any chance she had, Abi painfully listens as the local authority solicitor lists her failings as a mother and recommends that Alfie remain in care.