Crossroads Repeats Slapped with Woke Trigger Warning

Crossroads Repeats Slapped with Woke Trigger Warning

What's the Buzz?

Classic soap Crossroads is now accompanied by a woke trigger warning to avoid offending younger viewers.

Alert Before Airing

The ITV show, which ran from 1964 to 1988, now comes with a cautionary message about its dated content.

Outrage and Opposition

Actress Fiona Curzon, known for her role as Faye Mansfield, criticized the warning, calling it "absolutely pathetic."

Content Disclaimer

The warning acknowledges that the show reflects the broadcast standards, language, and attitudes of its time.

Crossroads Repeats Slapped with Woke Trigger Warning

Debating Generational Sensitivities

Professor John Sutherland questions the idea that modern audiences are more enlightened, suggesting a different perspective.

No Response from ITVX

ITVX, the streaming platform airing Crossroads, did not provide a comment regarding the situation.

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