EastEnders spoilers: Chelsea Fox flirts with danger as she cheats on killer Gray Atkins in front of him

EASTENDERS’ Chelsea Fox is really putting herself in the path of danger as flirts with another man in front of Gray Atkins.

Viewers will know Gray has a jealous streak and not only murdered his wife Chantelle, but also Tina Carter.

EastEnders’ Chelsea Fox does not know the risk she’s taking by flirting with James in front of Gray Atkins

Not knowing about Gray’s dark past, Chelsea heads to the Prince Albert with him.

When they’re there, she spots James, the guy she hooked up with.

Coincidentally, Gray knows him and asks if he wants to get a drink.

Chelsea decides to play with fire with the two men as she lines up a date with James while Gray is at the bar.

Her decision to play with fire comes just a week after she was forced to hide behind a bin to hide from Gray after spending the night with another man.

Chelsea has to hide when Gray appears, much to Dotty’s amusement who asks her what she’s doing.

Eastenders fans were left fearing for Chelsea’s life as she cheated on killer Gray with the mysterious newcomer.

Chelsea’s romp camera after she had her court hearing for being in possession of stolen goods and was pleased to win her case. 

However, as she and Gray celebrated at Ruby’s, the lawyer insisted he needed to return for his daughter Mia’s birthday party.

Chelsea quickly made an excuse, pretending she needed to visit her mum and tell her about the outcome of her case. 

With Gray out of the picture, Chelsea continued drinking at the club and was thrilled to receive a drink from an admirer.

“Don’t you have a hot lawyer waiting for you at home?” Dotty asked.

“Gray and I are just casual,” Chelsea replied.

“Does he know that?” Dotty laughed.

Meanwhile, at Mia’s birthday party, Gray saw red when Karen started bad-mouthing Chelsea.

Viewers are convinced Chelsea will expose Gray’s killer past after stumbling upon proof in the form of murdered Tina Carter’s earring. 

So far, murderous Gray has got away with murdering his own wife Chantelle as well as barmaid Tina.

​​Viewers know that the walls are already closing in on Gray after his boss Laura Awowinka dropped the bombshell that she knows he’s an abuser. 

Laura got Gray drunk in recent scenes so he would embarrass himself at a works drink by offering him a free bar.

Laura later spoke to Chelsea at Gray’s house, warning her that the lawyer abused Chantelle – and that he was probably looking for his next victim.

In another episode, Chelsea spotted an earring in Gray’s car – which he was horrified to realise it belonged to Tina.

When the pair arrived home, a livid Gray berated Chelsea for taking him anywhere near stolen goods after her friend turned up with a van of stolen dresses – and they argued back and forth.

Gray yelled at her to get out and, shocked at his angry outburst, Chelsea left despite being on curfew with a tag. 

Despite Gray flushing the earring down the drain, fans were convinced Chelsea would put two and two together and find a way to expose Gray’s crimes.

Chelsea previously hid from Gray after hooking up with James because she didn’t want him to find out

Even though she insisted the pair were only ‘casual’