Emmerdale Fans Rage as Disgraced Star Appears in Classic Episodes

Emmerdale Fans Rage as Disgraced Star Appears in Classic Episodes

Controversial Return to the Screen

Emmerdale fans watching classic episodes on streaming platform ITVX were shocked to see Roxanne Pallett, known for her role as Jo Stiles, make an appearance. The actress, who has been embroiled in controversy since her time on Celebrity Big Brother in 2018, sparked disappointment among viewers revisiting her early scenes on the show.

A Troubled Past

Playing Jo Stiles from 2005 to 2008, Roxanne Pallett's character became a significant part of the Emmerdale storyline. However, her reputation took a hit during her appearance on Celebrity Big Brother, where she falsely accused fellow housemate Ryan Thomas of physical assault, leading to her early exit from the show.

Viewers Express Displeasure

Upon witnessing Roxanne Pallett's return to the screen in classic Emmerdale episodes, fans took to social media to share their discontent. Some expressed their dismay over her presence in the show, calling for her scenes to be removed amidst the backlash.

History Repeats Itself

This isn't the first time Emmerdale has faced the need to remove a controversial figure from its episodes. Previously, a cameo featuring Phillip Schofield was edited out of a 2005 episode, highlighting the show's commitment to addressing sensitive issues surrounding its cast members.

Emmerdale Fans Rage as Disgraced Star Appears in Classic Episodes

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