Former 90s TV Heartthrob Finds New Calling as Art Gallery Owner

Former 90s TV Heartthrob Finds New Calling as Art Gallery Owner

From Teen Drama Star to Art Entrepreneur

A beloved actor from a popular 90s teen drama has left the glitz and glamour of Hollywood behind for a more "normal" career. Mark Matkevich, known for his role as bad boy Drue Valentine in Dawson's Creek, has traded in acting for owning and operating an art gallery in America.

A Change of Direction

Mark Matkevich, now 45, gained fame for his portrayal of Drue Valentine in 17 episodes of Dawson's Creek. After the show's success, he appeared in other TV series and movies before ultimately deciding to pursue a different path. In 2011, he founded Axiom Contemporary, an art gallery in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

A Tragic Event Sparks Inspiration

Mark's decision to leave the acting world and embark on a career in the art business was influenced by a personal tragedy. When his father fell terminally ill, he began reflecting on his own life and what truly fulfilled him. He realized that being an actor, where he was both the product and the salesman, was not the path he wanted to continue on. Mark sought a new challenge that would allow him to learn and grow as a person, ultimately finding solace in the art world.

Discovering a Passion for Contemporary Art

During his search for a new career, Mark stumbled upon an art gallery in Los Angeles and instantly fell in love with contemporary art. This newfound passion drove him to pursue his own gallery, where he could share his enthusiasm and bring a fresh perspective to the art world.

Former 90s TV Heartthrob Finds New Calling as Art Gallery Owner

Dawson's Creek Fans React

Meanwhile, fans of Dawson's Creek have expressed mixed emotions about the series. Some were disappointed after realizing that special effects had been used to create artificial snow in a Christmas episode, feeling that they had been "fooled" for 25 years. Others have speculated about a "curse" surrounding the cast, as they have faced various personal challenges since the show's end.

Overall, Mark Matkevich's career transition from TV heartthrob to art gallery owner highlights the importance of following one's passion and finding fulfillment in unexpected places. His story serves as a reminder that success and happiness can be found outside the realm of fame and celebrity.

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