Former Rugby Star Ugo Monye Opens Up About Father's Hidden Cancer Battle

Former Rugby Star Ugo Monye Opens Up About Father's Hidden Cancer Battle

Tragic Revelation

Former rugby star Ugo Monye left viewers of Strictly Come Dancing in tears as he shared the heartbreaking news that he attended his father's funeral just hours before his first dance on the show. Ugo dedicated his performance to his late father, Theophilus, who passed away from prostate cancer.

Shocking Discovery

Ugo revealed that he was unaware of his father's illness until after his passing, as carers in Nigeria kept the information hidden from the family to avoid causing worry during the Covid-19 pandemic. This decision meant Ugo was unable to say goodbye to his father before he died.

A Painful Journey

Despite the shock of his father's death, Ugo continued with his commitment to Strictly Come Dancing and performed his first dance just hours after attending Theophilus' funeral virtually. The emotional toll of the situation was evident as Ugo shared his struggle to cope with the loss.

Raising Awareness

Now, ahead of Father's Day, Ugo is using his platform to raise awareness of prostate cancer symptoms and the importance of early diagnosis. He has launched a campaign called Know Your Roots to encourage families to share their medical histories and promote early detection of the disease.

Former Rugby Star Ugo Monye Opens Up About Father's Hidden Cancer Battle

Passionate Advocacy

Ugo emphasizes the importance of understanding the risks of prostate cancer, particularly for black men who are more susceptible to the disease. He urges men to prioritize regular check-ups and early detection to potentially save lives.

Join the Movement

For more information on Ugo Monye's campaign and to download the Father’s Day card to share family medical histories, visit: Know Your Roots Campaign.

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