I’m A Celeb fans spot potential feud brewing in the jungle camp

I’m A Celeb fans spot potential feud brewing in the jungle camp

Sam Thompson's energy rubbing First Dates star Fred Siriex the wrong way?

I’m A Celebrity fans are already speculating about a possible feud in the jungle camp, just one day into the show. Viewers have noticed that Sam Thompson's boundless energy might be wearing thin on fellow campmate Fred Siriex, of First Dates fame.

Sam's enthusiasm makes an impression

During the show's debut last night, Sam was full of energy as he took on the first challenge and met his fellow campmates. He seemed particularly taken by Fred, expressing his desire to become his friend. Some viewers found it amusing, but others sensed tension brewing.

Viewers predict a clash

Viewers watching at home have taken notice of Sam's energy and believe it could be triggering Fred. Many comments on social media suggest that Fred may be getting annoyed with Sam's enthusiastic nature. It seems fans are already picking up on potential drama between the two celebrities.

Sam's personality and ADHD

Sam, 31, is known for his excitable personality and has previously spoken about his ADHD diagnosis. He has described how his energy levels can fluctuate between extreme highs and lows. While he enjoys his energetic moments, he also experiences intense crashes and has moments where small things can greatly impact his emotional state. Sam has been open about his experiences and has always embraced his unique personality.

I’m A Celeb fans spot potential feud brewing in the jungle camp

A favourite to win

Despite the potential brewing feud, Sam is currently one of the fan favorites to win the show. He is considered a strong contender, alongside Josie Gibson and Danielle Harold. As the campmates continue to get to know each other, it remains to be seen how the dynamics will unfold.

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