Jane McDonald strips naked in daring new travel series – insisting ‘I’ll never look this good again!

SHE may have turned sixty in April, but Jane McDonald is feeling frisky. 

The TV presenter was so game to experience the culture of the Far East, she stripped off fully nude to bathe at Mount Fuji. 

Jane McDonald strips naked in daring new travel series – insisting ‘I’ll never look this good again!
Jane McDonald was so game to experience the culture of the Far East

Jane McDonald strips naked in daring new travel series – insisting ‘I’ll never look this good again!
The TV host filmed scenes in her new travelogue, Lost in Japan

Jane McDonald strips naked in daring new travel series – insisting ‘I’ll never look this good again!
Jane laughed: ‘ I got my kit off! The poor cameraman I did feel for him’

It’s just one of the hilarious scenes in her new travelogue, Lost in Japan. 

Jane laughed: “They want me to experience it as a novice, so that’s entirely what I do and I love the fact that they say ‘right this is what we’re doing today’

“So I got my kit off! The poor cameraman I did feel for him. 

“In our culture everything is covered, but if you go to a bath in Japan you have to take everything off – that was a bit of a shock!”

Elsewhere she tries on pricey kimonos, visits a robot cafe and even has a go at sumo wrestling. 

But Jane says we must all embrace experiences while we can. 

She lost her fiance Eddie Rothe to lung cancer in 2021.

She added: “I thought to myself I am never going to look this good again, I’m the youngest I’m ever going to be and tomorrow I’ll be a day older! 

“Every day is a bonus and we’ve got to remember that, every day that we are here is a bonus.

“While I can do things I’m going to do them because there will be a time when I can’t. If I’ve learnt anything over the last ten years, it’s do it while you can. 

“That’s my advice to everyone, most people say ‘Oh we’ll wait to do this together or wait for that’ just do it while we can.”

Jane’s travel series are among the top rating on Channel 5.

The country provided plenty of amazing new challenges for Jane to try out. 

She added: “I’m so glad I was able to do it. Japan has been on the cards for a while, we had the chance to go and we did it and I’m really glad that we did. 

“We were there for a month, you don’t just go, you experience it, and it’s completely different, different way of life and culture.”

  • Jane McDonald: Lost in Japan premieres on Channel 5 on Friday 25th August at 9pm.

Jane McDonald strips naked in daring new travel series – insisting ‘I’ll never look this good again!
Jane tries on pricey kimonos, visits a robot cafe and even has a go at sumo wrestling

Jane McDonald strips naked in daring new travel series – insisting ‘I’ll never look this good again!
Jane says we must all embrace experiences while we can

Jane McDonald strips naked in daring new travel series – insisting ‘I’ll never look this good again!
The presenter’s travel series are among the top rating on Channel 5

Jane McDonald strips naked in daring new travel series – insisting ‘I’ll never look this good again!
She added: ‘Japan has been on the cards for a while, we had the chance to go and we did it and I’m really glad that we did’