KARDASHIAN fans have blasted Kylie Jenner for her eating habits in a resurfaced video.
The clip from Keeping Up with the Kardashians shows Kylie out to lunch with Caitlyn Jenner and Kylie’s then-boyfriend Tyga.

Kylie Jenner has been blasted by critics for her eating habits

The reality star was seen talking with her mouth full of food in a resurfaced clip
In the clip, Kylie and Caitlyn discuss their opinions on what age is best to have children.
With her mouth full of food, Kylie asks her dad: “What do you feel is a good age to have kids?”
“30 is a good age,” Caitlyn responds.
Kylie says: “I feel like 30 is too late. Every psychic said I’m only going to have two kids,” as the camera zooms into her face, showing her chewing with her mouth open.
Caitlyn responds: “When you have one, you might as well have two, and you want your kids close together, that’s why we had you.
“You might as well have two so they have somebody to grow up with, ” she said.
“Oh ok, so I’m the one to keep Kendall company!” Kylie said while covering her mouth so her food didn’t spill out.
Kylie and Travis Scott share their daughter Stormi, 4, and a new baby boy whose name has yet to be revealed.
The clip from 6 years ago was re-shared on a popular Kardashian social media thread where fans noted Kylie’s unsanitary habits.
One critic wrote: “Watching Kendall and Kylie constantly chew with their mouths open grosses me out on another level.”
“She looks so pretty here but her chewing is obnoxious,” scathed another.
One fan wrote: “Ew why does she chew with her mouth open lmao. Money can’t buy class, I guess.”
“Why do they all eat like pigs? I can’t even hear what she’s saying because she is chewing like a cow!” one scathed.
It’s not the first time Kylie has been dragged by fans for a clip that resurfaced showing her bad behavior.
Another resurfaced Keeping Up With the Kardashian clip is circulating in a TikTok video.
Kylie’s mom Kris starts the video by talking to Kylie and saying the line all kids hate: “We have to have a little chat.”
Kris then reveals that she found her dress in Kylie’s closet and Kylie’s reply is nasty.
In the most sarcastic tone possible, Kylie replied: “I’m so happy for you. What do you want me to say?”
Kris warns Kylie to stop taking her things, but it doesn’t seem effective.
Kylie said: “Mom, you really pissed me off and I’m gonna leave in five minutes if you don’t stop talking to me.”
Finally, Kris drops the bomb: “That’s why I have a camera that I put in my closet now.”
Caitlyn then appears in the video to mitigate the confrontation before it gets worse.
But, Caitlyn couldn’t stop Kylie from walking out because she didn’t want to cry in the rock climbing place.
In a confessional, Kris said she was excited to spend family time with Kylie, but “who knew that me bringing up my clothes would start World War 3.”
In the comments of the TikTok video, many of Kris’ fans came to her defense.
One said: “The way they treated Kris, and sometimes still do, blows my mind. How is she gonna get mad that she stole Kris’ dress?”
Another wrote: “Kylie used to be sooo mean to her.”
A third said: “I can’t believe she talks to her mom like this.”
Someone else said: “I literally feel so bad for Kris.”

Fans called it ‘disgusting’ that Kylie talked with her mouth full during the scene

Kylie was also recently blasted for her behavior towards her mom in another resurfaced clip

The clips were during a time prior to Kylie giving birth to a daughter and son