Masked Singer star drops clue about Piranha's identity

Masked Singer star drops clue about Piranha's identity

Alexander Armstrong, the latest celebrity to be eliminated from The Masked Singer, has provided a significant clue about the true identity of the character Piranha. The Pointless quiz show host hinted that Piranha is American and described the contestant as "really good." Armstrong's revelation has sparked speculation among fans, with many believing that the sharp-toothed fish is actually McFly band member Danny Jones.

American talent on the show?

During an interview on Heart Radio, Armstrong discussed his time on The Masked Singer and was asked if he knew the identities of the other contestants. He responded, "He's American... I think he is, I was told when I left by one of the assistants 'boy we have got some major international talent this year' so I just don't know." This clue has left fans eagerly guessing who could be behind the Piranha mask.

McFly's Danny Jones suspected

Many fans of the show are convinced that Piranha is Danny Jones from the band McFly. The speculation grew after the character performed a rendition of Celine Dion's "It's All Coming Back to Me Now." Fans pointed out that the phrase "motion in the ocean" was a clue, linking it to a McFly album. Armstrong's hint about Piranha's American nationality has only fueled the belief that Jones is the man behind the mask.

Secret code word

Armstrong also revealed a secret code word that The Masked Singer bosses used when booking celebrities for the show. He disclosed that the show was referred to as "Staying Alive" during the booking process. This clever code word helped maintain the element of surprise and secrecy surrounding the show's participants.

Masked Singer star drops clue about Piranha's identity

Overall, Armstrong's clue about Piranha's identity has left fans excited and curious about who could be hiding behind the mask. Will their suspicions of Danny Jones be confirmed? Only time will tell as The Masked Singer continues to captivate audiences.

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