Piers Morgan mocks Dr Hilary Jones’ ‘girly name’ after doc reveals he’s named after legendary mountaineer Edmund Hillary

PIERS Morgan mocked GMB co-star Dr Hilary Jones’ “girly name” today after the doc revealed his mum named him after legendary mountaineer Edmund Hillary.

The GP, 67, admitted he had to “fight his corner” at school where he was teased over the name that is more commonly used by women.

Dr Hilary Jones told the story of his name on today’s GMB

Attention switched to the doctor’s name after Piers praised tribute to a group of 10 Sherpas that reached the summit of Pakistan’s highest mountain, K2.

The achievement comes 68 years after Hillary and Sherpa Tenzing Norgay became the first people to scale Everest.

When Dr Hilary joked his mum could have picked out Edmund, Tenzing, or even Norgay for him, Piers asked: “Would you rather have been called any of those three than Hilary?”

He replied: “Absolutely. I’ve been a bit like A Boy Named Sue ever since.”

Piers Morgan couldn’t help but take the mickey

Shel Silverstein‘s poem, that was famously sung by Johnny Cash, tells the tale of a man whose father named him Sue before abandoning him.

The pair meet years later and a resentful Sue engages him in a vicious fight.

However, the two men eventually patch things up, with the father revealing the name was chosen as an act of tough love to harden him up for the difficulties he’d face in his absence.

Susanna Reid said: “You wear it very well.”

Less tactfully, Piers joked: “You’ve got a girl’s name. Let’s be brutally honest.”

Taking it in good jest, Hilary continued: “Yeah of course. You get teased for having a girly name, but you have to tough it out, you get through it and with a name like Jones you need something a little bit different in front of it, I think.”

He then revealed he’d met one other Hilary Jones, but she was a female vet that worked with horses.

It left the studio giggling and Piers added: “She got a girl’s name because she’s a girl.”

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