Teen Mom Amber Portwood’s ex Andrew alleges she abuses meth & used drugs while pregnant as he demands hair follicle test

TEEN Mom Amber Portwood’s ex Andrew Glennon alleged she abuses meth and used drugs while pregnant with their son, as he is demanding she submit to a hair follicle test in court papers, while the star has denied the allegations. 

Amber, 31, and her ex-boyfriend Andrew, 37, have been in a nasty custody war over their son James, three, since their split in 2019. 

Amber Portwood is being accused of abusing meth by her ex in court papers

Andrew claimed Amber abused drugs while pregnant with their son

The Celeb Report can exclusively reveal Andrew is demanding Amber take a hair follicle test after he allegedly witnessed her displaying “paranoid” behavior during a recent custody exchange. 

Andrew claimed in the custody court papers that Amber has a “history of substance abuse, even while pregnant with and subsequently caring for the minor child herein,” a claim the Teen Mom OG star denied in her response. 

He continued to allege that at a parenting exchange on October 16, Amber was “acting erratically, speaking frantically, and appeared completely paranoid and disheveled.”

The court papers continued to allege: “[Amber] went so far as to allege that two nearby vehicles were ‘staking her out’ and waved down Petitioner/Father as he was leaving with the minor child to ask him to tell the individuals in the nearby vehicles to ‘stop’ staking her out.”

Andrew then claimed he has “witnessed Amber under the influence of illegal drugs previously, specifically methamphetamine,” which is the formal name for meth.

He said her behavior on October 16 was “substantially similar to that which he has previously witnessed.”

The court papers continued to claim: “Furthermore, Respondent/Mother recently posted a video on Instagram in which her pupils were very dilated to the point that public commenters were noticing.”

He is demanding Amber “immediately submit to a hair follicle drug screen.”


Amber responded to his filing just days later, denying his drug allegations. 

She wrote in her response: “Mother has exercised her parenting time with the parties’ child without any incidents regarding any type of substance abuse.”

She explained that she is still on probation from her 2019 domestic violence arrest against Andrew and is required to submit random monthly drug screens. 

The MTV star said she has “never failed a drug screen.”

Amber continued to defend herself: “Mother denies adamantly the allegations made in Father’s Motion and believes that a hair follicle test is unnecessary due to her history of negative drug screens and continued requirement to submit to same. 

“Mother further states that Father’s Motion is nothing more than yet another attempt to paint Mother in a negative light. 

“Mother verifies that she has not used any substance, except for prescription medication taken within the therapeutic limits.”

She is requesting his motion be denied or that both parties submit to a hair follicle drug screen, at his or her own cost.

Amber’s rep did not immediately respond to The Celeb Report’s request for comment.


The latest filing comes after Andrew, who has primary custody of James, implied someone hit their son.

He posted on his Instagram Story: “You hit your baby boy?… Really?!”

In court papers obtained by The Celeb Report, Amber requested Andrew be held in contempt of court, which means he could face jail time or a fine, for making the cryptic post and is demanding primary custody of James. 

The court papers claimed: “On or about August 25, 2021, Mother informed Father that the parties’ child had a spot on the inside of the lip that appeared to Mother as a canker sore or cold sore. Mother took pictures and sent it to Father. 

“Father posted a statement on social media accusing Mother of hitting the parties’ child, and then subsequently deleted the post… screenshots of his post were made public.”

She claimed his statements “directly violate the provisions of the Mediated Agreement adopted on October 23, 2019 and the provisions of the Indiana Parenting Time Guidelines.”

The mom of two alleged his statements are “false and defamatory” and were specifically made to “harm Mother and her reputation.”

Amber requested he be held in contempt of court for his violations and pay her attorney’s fees. 


Also, in February 2021, Amber, requested a modification of custody to include overnight visitation with James. 

She claimed the parties were unable to reach an agreement in mediation, and requested a hearing in the matter. 

She is now asking for primary physical custody of James and for Andrew to have parenting time. 

A decision has not been made regarding the custody change. 

A source close to Amber told The Celeb Report of Andrew’s abuse claim: “Obviously Amber was devastated by the implications. She’s scared that because of her past, people might believe it, but there is absolutely zero truth to it.”

Andrew was granted primary physical custody of their toddler after Amber was arrested for domestic violence against him in July 2019. 

The exes share joint legal custody, allowing the Teen Mom OG star three unsupervised visits a week with James.

In Amber’s original request for just overnight visitation with James, she claimed there has been a “change in circumstances” that “warrant” an adjustment to their custody agreement.

She claimed that according to Indiana Parenting Time Guidelines, parenting time is increased to include overnights when the child turns 3.

Amber claimed it is in the “best interest” of James that “the current parenting time be modified to include overnight parenting time.”

A judge ruled on Amber’s request in February by ordering the two to resolve their parenting issues out of court and in mediation within 60 days of the order. 

In court papers previously obtained by The Celeb Report, the mediation that took place on May 24 was “unsuccessful.” 


Amber previously claimed in court papers that Andrew went against their custody agreement by refusing to let her see their son the week of Christmas. 

The Teen Mom OG star also claimed Andrew failed to complete the necessary intake documents and pay the retainer for the Parenting Time Coordinator. 

She requested Andrew be “held in contempt of court,” which could result in jail time or a fine, for failing to follow the court’s order. 

The Celeb Report previously reported that an Indiana judge sided with Amber, as Andrew was found in contempt of court.

He was ordered to pay a fine of $250 for each and to pay $500 toward Amber’s Attorney fees within 30 days of the court order.


Amber is also mom to daughter Leah, 12, with ex-fiance Gary Shirley.

On last season of the MTV show, Leah told her mother she didn’t want to work on their relationship because she has been inconsistent in her life. 

Though Amber sent her daughter a heartfelt apology video on a recent episode, she has continued to ignore her mother’s attempts at reconciliation. 

Andrew is demanding Amber submit to a drug test

Andrew has primary custody of James, 3

Amber has a strained relationship with her daughter Leah, 12

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