Teen Mom Kailyn Lowry sparks rumors she’s back with Chris Lopez as she discusses ‘moving forward’ after public ‘fights’

KAILYN Lowry has sparked rumors that she’s back with her baby daddy Chris Lopez.

The Teen Mom 2 star, 28, talked about the possibility of “moving forward in a romantic relationship” after fights were “aired in the public”.

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Kailyn Lowry sparked rumors she’s back together with Chris Lopez

Kailyn said she wanted to talk about an “important topic” that was “something she could relate to”, in a clip on her Instagram Stories.

“I’m on reality TV and my personal stuff is on the internet and I have shared more than I probably should have in the past about my relationships,” she explained.

“Is it possible to move forward in a romantic relationship with a partner after fights and a lot of personal drama with the relationship have gone public?

“Do you think couples can survive something like this?”

The exes have two sons together

She talked about the possibility of ‘moving forward in a romantic relationship’ after fights were ‘aired in the public’

The reality star agreed with one fan’s point about ‘maturing’

Fans speculated that she’s talking about Chris

Kailyn – who is currently building her dream home – went on: “If you can move on through public problems and all of that – how do you explain it to other friends, relatives, the public?”

One fan replied, “I think it takes a lot of maturity and maybe some harsh lessons learned,” to which Kailyn said: “OK – I could definitely agree with this.”

The Teen Mom star’s fans speculated that her questions could mean she has reconciled with Chris – the father of her sons Lux, three, and Creed, eight months.

“Wait what her and Chris getting back together?” one asked, while another added: “I believe it’s Chris. He’s also been saying nice things about her lately.”

Chris is father to Kailyn’s sons Lux and Creed

She was arrested last fall for ‘punching’ Chris after he cut Lux’s hair

Earlier this week, Chris admitted the custody battle over their sons is “ugly”.

He admitted on his P. T. S. D – Pressure Talks with Single Dads podcast: “Actually going through it, you see how ugly it gets. It gets ugly.

“It’s to the point where it’s like, is this even about the kids anymore? It puts them [the kids] in a weird place, especially being so young. They don’t know what going on.

“I felt like I was failing my kids I feel like having to go through this s**t like custody or court. I’m doing something wrong, like I’m letting my kids down cause this s**t getting ugly.”

She has four sons – Isaac, Lincoln, Lux and Creed

Kailyn recently had charges against her dropped after she was arrested for allegedly “punching” Chris “several times with a closed fist” over Lux’s haircut last fall.

She recently revealed she would like to legally cut Chris out of her sons’ lives.

During an episode of her Baby Mamas No Drama podcast, she explained: “I have a huge problem with that [inconsistent fathers].

“The court system would rather see a father who will come and go as they please, in and out, inconsistencies for days, weeks, sometimes months…”

The mother-of-four previously explained that Chris had failed to be a more involved father during a season nine episode of Teen Mom 2.

She said: “Chris is not stepping up like I thought he would.

“I f**ked up, like that’s the bottom line, I f**ked up by moving. I made that mistake and now I need to correct it.”

Kailyn is also a mom to 11-year-old son Issac with ex Jo Rivera, and 7-year-old Lincoln with Javi Marroquin.