The Apprentice: A Sneak Peek at the Fresh Faces of the Upcoming Season

The Apprentice: A Sneak Peek at the Fresh Faces of the Upcoming Season

Fitness Fanatics and Former Models: Meet The Apprentice's New Candidates

The upcoming season of The Apprentice promises a fierce battle of survival of the fittest, with eighteen new faces ready to impress Lord Sugar and his advisors, Karren Brady and Tim Campbell. From national level athletes to former models, the contestants bring a diverse range of skills and backgrounds to the boardroom.

Lord Sugar's Warning to Male Candidates: Keep Up with the Women in Business

After a streak of female winners in The Apprentice's boardroom, Lord Sugar issues a sharp warning to the male recruits, emphasizing the focus, determination, and smart strategies that women bring to the table. The pressure is on for the male candidates to step up their game and match their female counterparts.

The Future of The Apprentice: Lord Sugar's Plans Beyond Series 20

As The Apprentice gears up for its next season, Lord Sugar, Karren Brady, and Tim Campbell assure fans that the business mogul isn't slowing down anytime soon. With series 20 on the horizon, Lord Sugar's future on the show remains uncertain, pending the BBC's decision to continue commissioning the popular series.

Behind the Scenes: Karren Brady's Challenges in the Austrian Alps

While the contestants face challenges in the picturesque Austrian Alps, advisor Karren Brady reveals the behind-the-scenes struggles of the job. From freezing temperatures to early mornings and long hours, the advisors put in a lot of hard work to make The Apprentice a success.

The Apprentice: A Sneak Peek at the Fresh Faces of the Upcoming Season