The Spice Girls TV Drama Could Be Made by Netflix

The Spice Girls TV Drama Could Be Made by Netflix

Netflix in Talks with Spice Girls for Biopic

After attempts with an independent company were derailed by Geri Horner, Netflix is now prepared to move forward with the Spice Girls TV drama project even without the band's full participation.

30th Anniversary Release in 2026

Netflix aims to release the proposed biopic in 2026, marking the 30th anniversary of the Spice Girls' debut single Wannabe.

Girl Power Reboot

Suzanne Mackie, head of Netflix-owned Orchid Pictures, is set to lead the project. With a successful track record working on productions like The Crown, she aims to bring the Spice Girls back together for this TV drama.

Unity Required from the Band

While Netflix is keen to have all five Spice Girls on board, the band members will need to collaborate and work closely with producers to make the project a success.

The Spice Girls TV Drama Could Be Made by Netflix

Geri Horner's Involvement

Geri Horner, who left the band in 1998, has been in talks with the streaming giant. Recently seen with a camera crew alongside her husband Christian Horner, she may play a significant role in the development of the TV drama.

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