Top Boy Season 5: Did Jaq Die in the Final Episode?

Top Boy Season 5: Did Jaq Die in the Final Episode?

Warning: Spoilers Ahead!

The highly anticipated fifth and final season of the gritty Netflix show, Top Boy, has left fans on the edge of their seats. With plenty of bloodshed and shocking plot twists, viewers were left wondering about the fate of certain characters, including Jaq.

On September 7, 2023, Netflix released all six episodes of Top Boy season 5. The series, which focuses on rival drug-dealing gangs, came to a dramatic conclusion, resulting in a significant body count.

However, fans can now breathe a sigh of relief as we can confirm that Jaq, played by Jasmine Jobson, did not meet her demise in the final episode. She was still alive at the end of the season finale, titled "We Are Not Monsters."

In this episode, Jaq arranged to meet Sully at the estate to return the drugs she had stolen. Dushane, another central character, assured her that he would be present to ensure a smooth exchange. However, desperate for money, Dushane instead attacked Jaq, stole the drugs, and left her battered.

The Tragic Fate of Jaq's Sister Lauryn

Unfortunately, Jaq's sister, Lauryn, did not fare as well. After taking drugs, she tragically drowned in the bathtub. In a heartbreaking scene, Lauryn, a young mother, named her baby son after "the best aunty in the world" before getting into the tub. When Jaq returned home, she discovered her nephew in distress and found Lauryn had passed out and drowned as a result of her drug use.

Other Shocking Deaths on Top Boy

Aside from Jaq and Lauryn, three other major characters met their demise in Top Boy season 5. Sully, played by Kane 'Kano' Robinson, Dushane, portrayed by Ashley Walters, and Kieron, portrayed by Joshua Blissett, all met tragic ends.

Kieron was the first to die, as he was wrongly believed to have stolen drugs. Sully, following orders, had him taken away in a van to be executed. However, it was later revealed that it was actually Jaq who had taken the drugs.

In a shocking turn of events, Dushane was then murdered by his former friend, Sully. But Sully's fate was also sealed shortly after, as he was killed by an unknown gunman.

With a finale full of twists and turns, Top Boy season 5 left fans with plenty to talk about. And while some characters met a tragic end, others survived to potentially tell their stories in the future. As we bid farewell to Top Boy, we can't help but wonder what the creators have in store for us next.